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Jun 9, 2019
The Rondeau-Gagné group at the annual GreEN network meeting and CCCE2019
The RG group was really well-represented at the last GreEN network meeting, held on May 30th and 31st in Montreal, Qc. In addition to get...
Apr 21, 2019
Simon to be honoured by U.Laval
Simon will receive in Spring 2019 the Raymond-Blais medal from U.Laval. The Université Laval Foundation awards the Raymond-Blais Medal to...
Aug 24, 2018
The R.-G. group to be part of a new research network across Canada
The Rondeau-Gagné group is proud to be an active member the new NSERC strategic network on green printed electronics led by Mario Leclerc...
Aug 24, 2018
UWindsor to create a Chemistry Research Centre on Organic Materials
Three researchers will head up a new Functional Organic Materials Research Centre with grants totaling $700,000 from the Canada...
Mar 21, 2017
Latest news on the research ongoing in our group on stretchable and self-healable materials
Our research has been the topic of a recent article published on the Windsor Star website. Follow this link to access the article and...
Nov 17, 2016
S.R-G.'s work at Stanford published in Nature
The most recent work of Dr. Rondeau-Gagné just got published in the prestigious journal Nature. The research, performed at Stanford...
Oct 5, 2016
Nanomachines won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
J.-P. Sauvage, Sir J. F. Stoddart and B. L. Feringa won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work in the development of new...
Jun 1, 2016
Tribute to Sir. Harry Kroto
Harry Kroto was part of the team that discovered buckminsterfullerene, the football-shaped carbon-60 molecule that came to be known as a...
May 15, 2016
Zhenan Bao featured as one of Nature's 10 most influential scientist of 2015
Professor Bao was named one of the 10 most influential researchers of 2015 by Nature and was recognized by Stanford News. If you want to...
May 15, 2016
Some pictures through the years
Here is some pictures of the group and Simon through the years. A lot of great souvenirs!
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